The Bell
The Bell that calls parishioners to worship in St Johns was one of four that originally hung in St Peter's Church in Church Street Liverpool.
The bell was cast sometime around 1707 by Abraham Rudhall and hung in St Peters until 1830 - it was subsequently sold to St Johns.
Measuring 38 inches (96.5 cm) in height and 35.5 inches (90.2 cm) at the soundbow (the part of the bell struck by the clapper) the bell weighs seven hundredweight (356 kilos). There is an inscription around the base - "God save the Church and Queen, A.R. (two bells), 1707".
There is a legend within the village that the bell was cast from cannon taken from the Dutch, and that the beauty and richness of its tone is due to the amount of silver in its composition.
The bell must have rung in St Peter's Tower for the victories of the Battles of the Nile, Trafalgar, Waterloo; it has summoned Christians to the worship of the Lord for over 300 years.
Thanks are given to Gordon Radley whose book 'Knotty Ash, Old Swan & West Derby' provided much of this information.